19 July 2009

Another one goes to Allah

Kaheem Fahim and Nate Schweber have an article in The New York Times (and what other paper would assign a Moslem and a Jew to the same story?) about a Jersey City shootout:
As two Jersey City police officers remained in critical condition on Friday and a third officer was released from the hospital, more details emerged about the siege and shootout that left two suspects dead and five officers injured the day before.
Officer Marc DiNardo, 37, who was shot in the face and arrived at the Jersey City Medical Center in full cardiac arrest, remained unconscious, said Deputy Chief Peter Nalbach of Jersey City. Chief Nalbach said that Officer Michael Camacho, 25, who sustained shotgun blasts to the neck, could not speak but was able to salute when the chief visited him on Friday morning. On Friday afternoon, Officer Frank Molina Jr., 35, who had been shot in the back but was protected by a bullet-resistant vest, walked out of the hospital surrounded by a group of people. He spoke only briefly to reporters, thanking his doctors and asking for privacy.
As investigators pored over the aftermath of the most violent episode in Jersey City in years, officials provided details about the shooting and one of the suspects. The suspect, Hassan Hosendove, 32— also known as Fuzz and Hassan Shakur and other names— had at least eight arrests in South Carolina dating back fifteen years, according to records on the state’s Law Enforcement Division website. He had been convicted on charges including aggravated assault and resisting arrest.
In 2002, he was arrested in Jersey City for weapons possession and served four years in prison. After his release in 2007, Mr. Hosendove was returned to South Carolina because he had violated parole, officials said. The police in Columbia, South Carolina said Mr. Hosendove was a suspect in a home invasion robbery in November of 2008. In June, the authorities in Jersey City puzzled over washed-out surveillance video showing a man and woman robbing a van driver outside a Jersey City oil-change garage, and the driver, shot in the abdomen, stumbling away.
On Thursday morning, officers conducting surveillance on a stolen car that had been seen on the video encountered Mr. Hosendove and Amanda Anderson, 22, whom a friend said he had introduced as his fiancĂ©e. They were wearing what Chief Nalbach described as “Obi-Wan Kenobi” cloaks. As Ms. Anderson moved the car for street cleaning, Mr. Hosendove stood guard with his shotgun concealed under his cloak, the chief said.
Two officers in an unmarked car approached the couple, and Lieutenant Mike Kelly, who was in the passenger seat, got out to confront Mr. Hosendove. But Mr. Hosendove pivoted toward the officer and, in one motion, threw off his cloak, raised the shotgun, and fired, Chief Nalbach said. In the chase that followed, pellets from Mr. Hosendove’s shotgun damaged buildings far up the block, narrowly missing people sitting on folding lawn chairs nearby. Mr. Hosendove and Ms. Anderson ran into an apartment building at 24 Reed Street, and officers moved inside. When they approached Apartment 3B after a sweep of the building, they found themselves in a tight space with only five feet to maneuver. Officer Camacho stood in front with a four-foot battering ram. Behind him was Officer Molina, who held a ballistic shield, and Officer DiNardo, carrying a shotgun.
When the battering ram hit the door, Chief Nalbach said, “Simultaneously, Hassan opened up with the shotgun with two rapid volleys.” Birdshot from the slugs ripped through the door, the drywall or the hinge area, the chief said. The shots hit Officer Camacho in the vest, knocking him to the floor, and ripped the ballistic shield from Officer Molina’s grip. Before Officer Molina could raise the shield again, to protect Officer Camacho, a shot struck Officer DiNardo in the face, and Officer Camacho was hit in the neck, possibly by a ricocheting bullet. Several officers, including Officer Molina, returned fire with .45-caliber pistols, Chief Nalbach said.
After the wounded officers were removed, the police mounted a second siege on the apartment. This time, no one returned fire. The officers entered the apartment and found two bodies. Based on where Mr. Hosendove’s body was found, Chief Nalbach said, the police believe that he was waiting in a crouched position about five feet from the door when the officers tried to enter. Ms. Anderson’s body was found three feet from his, Chief Nalbach said. She never fired a shot.
Rico says it's too bad it took so long to get this guy killed... (And Ms. Anderson shouldn't have been hanging out with him, either.)

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