25 June 2009

Mexico's got a (surprise!) border control problem

The New York Times has an editorial about the problem of smuggling across the US-Mexican border, the other way:
Drug-related murders in Mexico doubled last year, to 6,200, as cartels fight for the American addict’s dollar while relying on American gun dealers for their weapons. A new report to Congress traces over ninety percent of guns recovered in Mexican drug crimes in the last three years back across the border, where legal and illegal American dealers flout federal laws rife with loopholes.
The findings contradict gun rights groups’ claims that foreign dealers are supplying the cartels’ arms. In fact, seventy percent of 20,000 weapons recovered were traced to legal gun shops and unregulated gun shows in Texas, California, and Arizona, according to the Government Accountability Office report.
The report confirmed the arguments of Mexican officials who are pressing Washington for stricter gun controls. While the Obama administration has sketched a new strategy to combat gun trafficking, the report warns of considerable obstacles. It found that the separate American agencies charged with controlling the sales of firearms and policing immigration are doing a poor job of sharing information and coordinating policy. Gun tracking software is yet to be translated into Spanish for full use by Mexican authorities. What is also clear is that the American gun dealers— 6,700 of them clustered along the border— are supplying increasingly powerful military style weapons as the cartel wars intensify.
America must finally act. Private home-based dealers and gun show armorers should finally be regulated as rampant threats to public safety. Congress must repeal restrictions that prevent a national gun registry and bar local enforcement agencies from sharing in federal tracing information.
The report underscores Washington’s political cowardice and the frightening cost, as the mayhem spreads south of the border and threatens to move northwards.
Rico says it's the usual half-truth, inflated-statistic, panicked anti-gun rant (hey, that's his job) from the soft crowd at The New York Times... First off, is it 90% or 70% that are the problem? Second, if they're purchased legally in a gub store, or at a gub show, and then smugglled across the border, is that a gub control problem or a border control problem? (And throwing in the 'unregulated' crack about gub shows would be funny if it weren't so pernicious.) Third, surely in all of Mexico they can find a cop who reads English well enough to use the gub tracking software without having it translated. Fourth, the slur about the gub dealers 'clustered along the border' is just stupid; they're there because that's where the real buyers are, and not just people buying them for Mexicans; lessee, what are the states along the Mexican border— Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, right? Maybe a gub owner or two in those states? All in all, about what one would expect from The New York Times...

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