11 June 2009

No sense of humor, the bitch

Entertainment Weekly.com has a story by Josh Rottenberg of the 'feud' between David Letterman and Sarah Palin:
Taping tonight's episode of The Late Show, David Letterman took a few minutes to respond to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who called him "pathetic" in a radio interview after he made her and her family the butt of a recent Top Ten list. The late-night host had drawn particular fire from Palin and some pundits for a joke about one of Palin's daughters being impregnated by New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez during a trip to Yankee Stadium. Camp Palin apparently took the joke to be a crack against Palin's fourteen-year-old daughter Willow, who had recently attended a Yankees game, but Letterman insisted today that the real target was eighteen-year-old daughter Bristol.
“We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news and we made some jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol, and now they’re upset with me…” Letterman says on tonight's show. "These are not jokes made about her fourteen-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about rape or having sex of any description with a fourteen-year-old girl.... Am I guilty of poor taste? Yes. Did I suggest that it was okay for her fourteen-year-old daughter to be having promiscuous sex? No." Saying he hopes he's "cleared part of this up", Letterman extended an invitation to Palin to come on the show as a guest.
Rico says yeah, like that's gonna happen...

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