15 June 2009

Darn, now we'll have to try the sumbitch

The Philadelphia Inquirer has a story about the lamentable survival of James von Brunn, the shooter at the Holocaust Museum:
Authorities say that James von Brunn, the man charged with killing a security guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum last week, will likely survive the injuries he suffered when other museum guards returned fire.
His son, meanwhile, said yesterday that the 88-year-old white supremacist had long burdened his family with his views and that he wishes his father would have died in the shooting instead of 39-year-old Stephen Johns, who was black. "I cannot express enough how deeply sorry I am it was Mr. Johns, and not my father, who lost his life," Erik von Brunn, 32, said.
Rico says it's too bad they didn't shoot him a couple of more times and finish the job...

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