22 May 2009

War in the making

Rico says the article in FoxNews.com tells only part of the story:
Israeli defense officials say the country's air force has completed a large-scale exercise simulating war on several fronts with enemies that include Iran. They say this week's exercise included Israel's entire air arm and was meant to prepare for an all-out war, including missile attacks aimed at Israeli cities.
The maneuver lasted four days and ended Thursday. The military said the exercise was a routine part of its annual training program. But it comes at a time of increasing friction surrounding Iran's nuclear program, which Israel believes is aimed at producing a nuclear weapon it sees as an existential threat. Iran has denied the charge.
Rico says that, what with the recent Iranian missile tests, this could be the new about-to-happen war... (And let us remember that Israel has, though won't admit to having, nuclear weapons for just such an occasion.)

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