29 May 2009

A metaphor, perhaps

Rico says there are old movies and there are good movies, and sometimes there are good old movies like 1975's The Wind and The Lion, directed by John Milius and starring Sean Connery and Candice Bergen.
Some may see this as an allegory of recent events, with Islam taking its rightful place in the world by killing women and children. They, however, might not have noticed the companies of hard-eyed Marines blowing away Arabs with great abandon... (Milius changed Ion Pedicaris to Eden Pedicaris to make the story have something of a love interest; Ion wasn't very cute. Per the article in Wikipedia: "The respectful and even friendly relationship between Eden Perdicaris and Raisuli (if not their implied romance) was essentially factual, as the real Perdicaris and his captor grew to be friends during the incident.")
Rico says you should rent it and watch it, not just for the great story and incredible cinematography, but the pertinent dialog...

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