06 April 2009

Shipping out the garbage

The judge revoked the stay of deportation of John Demjanjuk, so he's finally going to go to Germany and stand trial:
"It is the opinion of the court that the motion to reopen has been misfiled with the Immigration Court," wrote Judge Wayne Iskra in Arlington, Virginia. "Consequently, this court's order to stay respondent's removal is revoked effective 8 April 2009." The judge noted that "jurisdiction over the motion to reopen lies with the board". Both the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Board of Immigration Appeals have issued final orders in the case.
Demjanjuk's attorney, John Broadley, had argued that his 89-year-old client was in such ill health that his deportation and trial in Germany would be tantamount to torture.
Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian, is accused of involvement during World War Two in killings at Sobibor, a Nazi death camp in Poland. He denies the allegations. German authorities issued their arrest warrant for Demjanjuk on 10 March, accusing him of being an accessory to 29,000 counts of murder as a guard at the death camp from March to September of 1943. German authorities studied an identification card provided by the U.S. Office of Special Investigations and concluded it was genuine before issuing the warrant.
Demjanjuk has been fighting charges of Nazi war crimes for more than two decades. He was extradited from the United States to Israel, where he was convicted in 1986 of being "Ivan the Terrible", a guard at the notorious Treblinka extermination camp. Israeli courts overturned the conviction on appeal, and he returned to the United States.
The United States filed new charges against him in 1999, again alleging that he had been a concentration camp guard. He was stripped of his citizenship and has been awaiting deportation since 2005, despite fighting his case all the way to the Supreme Court.
Demjanjuk, who lives with his wife in Cleveland, Ohio, has said he fought in the Soviet army and later was a prisoner of war held by the Germans.
Rico says the Germans created this problem, let them sort it out...

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