27 April 2009

Great comparison

In another splendid sidebar blog, Samantha Burns zings Billy Bob Thornton (much taken with himself, alas) for a stupid comment about Canadians (not that it's not true, however):
I’m sure many of you heard about the freak show put on by Billy Boob Thornton when he was here in Canada (not) speaking with radio personality, Jian Ghomeshi (a guy who I’m sure is quite popular right about now as a result). Billy Boob screwed up pretty bad by calling all Canucks “mashed potatoes without the gravy”.
Billy Bob and rest of the Boobs ended up having to cancel the remainder of the Boxmaster’s musical performances due to the “flu”.
Yeah, right, flu my ass. You know, for a guy who didn’t mind insulting Canadians for their lack of feistiness, he sure ran out of the country with his tail between his legs once we did get feisty, eh.
Next month’s moron or simply a weasel? I don’t know, but the resemblance is uncanny.
Rico says there is an alarming resemblance...

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