23 April 2009

Death by Fours

Rico says he has been, throughout much of his life, attracted to, in relationships with, and ultimately rejected by tall, dark-haired women of the Four (in Enneagram terms) persuasion, including his ex-wife.
He is now, however, in a committed relationship with a not-very-tall, white-haired (via shock, not age) woman of the Two persuasion.
Why is this a good thing?
a) Because she's a wonderful person who takes excellent care of Rico, in spite of his obvious failings
b) Because any of those Fours, once Rico went into the hospital in late 2006, would have cried, lamented, wrung their hands, and then happily spent all his money once he was dead.
Rico says he's just as happy to be alive and quite Four-less, thank you very much...

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