14 March 2009

Twenty-one? A good start

The New York Times has an article by Pir Zubair Shah about a recent air strike inside Pakistan:
Three missiles thought to have been fired from remotely piloted American aircraft struck a Taliban training camp in northwestern Pakistan and killed twenty-one militants, according to a local government official and news reports. Fifteen other people were wounded in the strike, which occurred from about 9:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Thursday, on a training camp some twenty miles from Parachinar, the capital of the Kurram tribal area.
The camp was under the command of Fazal Saeed, a local militant commander aligned with the Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. On Friday evening, the official said the dead were all militants. The attack was the sixth on Mr. Mehsud’s camps in the tribal areas since President Obama took office, expanding the covert war run by the Central Intelligence Agency and carried out largely by remotely piloted aircraft.
Rico says thank goodness for the Predator, otherwise we'd have to send ground troops in to do this, which would piss off the Pakis even more...

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