14 March 2009

Texas, out in front again

Courtesy of my friend Bill Champ, these new bills being introduced in the 81st regular session of the Texas legislature:
HB 1893, SB 1164 Allows Concealed Handgun License (aka a CCW, or a permit to Carry a Concealed Weapon) holders to carry in college campus buildings. The law currently allows you to carry on the grounds, but not in the buildings. Yesterday I heard some college kids on the radio debating the topic; the usual hysteria.
HB 1301, SB 730 Employers who provide their private land for employee parking can't prohibit employees from possessing firearms or ammunition in their locked vehicles.
HB 410, SB 838 Repeals the requirement that CCW holders display their CCW if they are in possession of a handgun and are stopped by a law enforcement officer who requests identification.
Why? When HB 1815 passed and was signed into law in 2007, it legalized the carrying of handguns in private motor vehicles by non-CCW holders, and it did not require you to inform peace officers of its presence. This bill removes the double standard.
HB 3777 Creates a perpetual CCW that does not expire and does not require renewal. Current CCWs expire every 4 years. Current CCWs cost $140. The proposed perpetual license will cost $300. You can convert a current CCW to a perpetual one for a fee of $50.
Rico says he wishes Pennsylvania (and a few other states) would get behind these sorts of laws, particularly the perpetual license, but he doubts (unfortunately) that they will...

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