28 March 2009

Not just us

Pakistan's army says troops backed by artillery and helicopter gunships have killed twenty-six militants in an attack near the Afghan border. The army said the battle took place in Mohmand, North-West Frontier Province, said to be a hub for Taliban militants. Earlier, Pakistan's president said his country would not allow use of its soil for terrorist activity. It came after the US said elements in Pakistan's ISI military intelligence were still supporting the Taliban.
Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a interview that the ISI had links with militants on both Pakistan's borders with Afghanistan and India.
On Saturday, the Taliban destroyed twelve parked trucks laden with supplies for NATO personnel in Afghanistan near the city of Peshawar, capital of North-West Frontier Province. During a heavy battle with police, fighters armed with rockets targeted the Farhad transport terminal, the latest in a series of attacks on goods bound for foreign forces over the border.

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