As usual, it's the "other purposes" that'll fuck you...
Click the post title to go read the text of the bill, or you can trust ol' Rico and get it that they're trying, as usual, to take 'em away from everyone they possibly can. (Shades of Bill and HIllary...)
The EckerNet blog summarizes:
Ever heard it said that a driver’s license is not a right, it’s a privilege? Well this bill basically takes one of your actual constitutional rights and turns into a very-difficult-to-obtain privilege. This bill makes it more difficult to execute your Second Amendment right, than it does to get a license to transport hazardous materials such as nuclear waste.Rico's gonna say it one more time: what part of "shall not be infringed" don't these people understand?
The findings portion of this bill attempt to frame firearms sales, purchases, and possession as just another commerical activity. Which ends up being truly hilarious, in the mind-numbing obsession to ignore the less-than-subtle difference between firearms and say, well, anything else. One is specifically prescribed in the Second Amendment, the rest, not so much.
Anyone wishing to purchase, sell, or even possess a firearm needs a license, for which the process is more restrictive than any other commodity. Information required includes name, address, photo, thumbprint, proof that you can own a firearm (so much for innocent until guilty), certificates testifying to all sorts of crap, release of your mental health records, and a $25 fee. All that just to apply for permission to use one of your constitutional rights. Just imagine if all that was required in order to attend your church, or express your views in a letter to the editor in the newspaper.
I find it incredibly ironic due to the hypocrisy of the liberals pushing this bill. Many Minnesotans have pointed out that in order to vote you should at least have to show a photo ID; after all you need to show a photo ID to do most anything in today’s society. Liberals will immediatly respond that, no, you shouldn’t have to, as that would disenfranchise voters from executing what is their right. Yet they are perfectly fine with a very restrictive process like this to execute a different right. Double standard? Yeah.
Most of the rest of this bill is the establishment of a nationwide database of all firearms, and who owns then and how that person came to own them. That fact that there is absolutely no legitimate reason to do so, and the very dangerous precedent (freedom-wise) is not really addressed in this bill. Instead, you have to comply and failure to do so gets some stiff penalties. Another fact conveniently ignored is that criminals already ignore any regulations on the sale of firearms, so this is unlikely to have any impact on criminals gaining access to firearms.
Also buried in there are provisions supposedly meant to keep children from gaining access to firearms. These provisions essentially require one to keep the firearm in such a state as to be completely useless for home or self defense. Not mentioned are provisions preventing children from getting access to swimming pools even though statistically these are far more likely to be a fatal threat to children than a firearm is, and without the self-defense benefits.
Essentially if one laid out a ten-step plan on repealing the Second Amendment, this bill perfectly outlines what Step One would have to be. It’s a horrible bill, that greatly restricts constitutional rights, provides no benefits, and provides lots of opportunity for abuse of power on the part of government. Call your legislators and let them know that this bill is not the change you were waiting for. In fact, you’d like this bill squashed as quickly as possible.
The real irony here is that the bill is named after a kid who gave his life shielding a girl on a bus in Chicago. Illinois already has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. That didn’t stop a sixteen-year-old gangbanger from getting a semi-auto pistol from a fifteen-year old punk, telling everyone what he was going to do, and then boarding a bus and going on a shooting spree. In the view of former Black Panther, Rep Bobby Rush, this is proof positive that gun control works.
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