28 March 2009

Leave the poor woman alone

Rico says as if there weren't enough other things going on to worry about, people are now blathering about Michelle Obama's arms, fer crissake:
First Lady Michelle Obama stands tall and regal in her official portrait, a double strand of creamy pearls around her neck, her figure clad in a fitted Michael Kors dress. But there's one aspect of this seemingly benign photograph that's causing something of a commotion, and it lies in that exposed 10-inch-or-so stretch between her shoulder and elbow. The first lady is buff, and she's not afraid to show it.
Her curvy biceps have become something of a lightning rod for remarks from both sexes in a larger discussion of how much female muscle constitutes too much. While some praise Obama as a role model in a world gone obese, others say she's gone too far in displaying the fruit of her workouts. Read one online forum comment: "There is nothing uglier than manly, muscular arms on a woman. Mrs. Obama should be hiding them instead of showing them off."
Rico says first of all, she doesn't have 'manly, muscular arms', she has womanly muscular arms, and oughta be damned proud of them; secondly, showing them off is a good thing, and will hopefully encourage other women to work out...
(And, for confirmation, here's a whole website about Linda Hamilton's arms, which Rico says he's swooned over for years (okay, maybe not just her arms), headed with this quote by Pasquale Manocchia, Madonna's personal trainer: "Men want biceps, and biceps are used for pulling things. Women want triceps, and triceps are used for pushing things away.")

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