16 March 2009

An Eight, and proud of it

Rico says he got turned on to the Enneagram by his alternative-reality mentor David Brown many years ago, and discovered some useful truths in it.
Within the system, he is undoubtedly an Eight, so if you wonder why he is the way he is, that's why.
The International Enneagram Association, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, of all places, is sponsoring the First Annual World Enneagram Day on 30 May. Everyone should celebrate, according to their Enneagram point; Rico, therefore, will be Eightish:
The Eight's attention goes to issues of power and control, to making things happen, to protecting the weak, and to fighting injustice. With an intense, authoritative, and sometimes explosive energy, they are usually ready to face any challenge.
Coping strategy: As children, Eights often lived in combative environments where weakness was punished and they had to be strong to survive. As a result, Eights tend to lead with a strong and potent self-presentation and to hide or deny their own vulnerability.
Major traits: Eights can be impulsive, excessive, dominant, and protective of others. They often move into action before thinking things through, express their anger more easily than the other types, and confront situations more readily than others. They seek the truth, but may confuse objective reality or truth with their own personal reality or beliefs.
Strengths: Eights tend to be strong, powerful, commanding, energetic, and intense.
Challenges: They can also have difficulty containing their own energy and anger, be controlling, and be unaware of their own vulnerabilities.
Rico says yup, sounds like him...

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