28 February 2009

More similarities

Rico says that Arkady Renko decides to get himself a motorcycle:
Arkady checked out his new acquisition. New to him. The Ural had to be thirty years old, at least. A spare tire was secured on the back of the sidecar, which looked like a large sandal and had the major amenities: a shovel and a windshield. The machine-gun mount had been cut off. Arkady had noticed when he first saw the bike that it was stamped in various places with a star, meaning it had come off a military assembly line. Stalin's engineers got their hands on some German BMWs, took them apart, strengthened this, simplified that, and when they put the bikes back together, they were Russian. Cossacks [the Urals] might be a lowly transporter of potatoes now, but they had carried heroes to Berlin... The Ural's engine wasn't symphonic, but it was steady, its power dedicated not to speed but to traction and, since the sidecar was connected to the bike, it drove like a car. No leaning.
Oddly enough, that's just the motorcycle that Rico's been eying for himself, down the road:This version is called the Safari; only eighteen available, at a mere fourteen grand apiece... Rico wants one. (The advantage of the sidecar: it doesn't fall over when you stop, thus improving Rico's lifespan. Plus they look cool as shit.)

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