26 January 2009

Still hot, no matter what they say

The latest issue of Philadelphia magazine has an article about Dawn Stensland, a local Philly broadcast journalist married to Larry Mendte, also a local television talking head. While the details of who did exactly what to whom and when are still in question, there's a continuing tizzy over Larry's attentions to Alycia Lane, who worked with him at CBS 3 in Philadelphia.
Compounding the whole situation is Lane's arrest in 2007 for allegedly assaulting a female police officer in New York City (the charges were later reduced and ultimately adjourned), and Mendte's 2008 arrest for hacking her emails and 'sharing' them with gossip columnists.
The Dawn Stensland apologia wasn't very convincing, but it sure painted ol' Larry in a bad light (and he ain't very cute; whatever did Alycia see in him?), and didn't even do much for the "I'm pregnant so I'm going to ignore all this" Stensland, either.
Rico says this is another case of a plague on all their houses, but the woman was and is a major lust-object for him...


  1. Anonymous26.1.09

    All i nkow is that Larry Mendte is a good guy and I believe him. Dawn Stensland is a saint!

  2. Anonymous26.1.09

    I believe Dawn and Larry Mendte. Of course they are telling the truth. You don't think the FBI checked out their story..c'mon!


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.