15 January 2009

So bad it's good

That would be Tropic Thunder, starring (Rico uses the term loosely) Ben Stiller (who directed it, and it shows), Jack Black, Robert Downey, Jr., Nick Nolte (in a sleeper role), Matthew McConaughey, Tom Cruise (who's so far into his character, and some unusual makeup, that Rico didn't even recognize him until the end of the film, and had to wait for the credits to make sure it was him; this may be the only time that Rico actually liked Tom Cruise in a movie), and a bunch of other guys you never heard of. It has every Vietnam War film cliche, and then some, and the acting is so bad that Rico watched half the movie on fast-forward. But the effects (assuming you like explosions) are great. Watch it on an otherwise very slow day, fast forward through the stupid and boring parts, and drink a lot...

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