23 January 2009

Nope, not how to do it

According to Michelle Malkin, John Murtha (the nineteen-term Democratic congressman from Western Pennsylvania) wants to spend some federal dollars (in his district, of course) to build a new high-security prison to house the jihadis we're bringing home from Guantanamo when they close down the prison there.
Good for his district. Good for his reelection chances. Bad for the country and Western Pennsylvania.
Rico says there's another solution, way cheaper and permanent: the plane bringing the 250 prisoners out of Cuba never makes it back to the United States. Engine failure (like the one that just went in the Hudson) due to bird strikes, electrical problems, whatever...
The crew? Use military pilots. They get pensioned off to live in glorious seclusion in Hawai'i or Florida.
Bummer for the jihadis. Rico weeps... (Yes, those are crocodile tears, just like his.)

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