30 January 2009

No more blag about Blago

Rico says that the Governor of Illinois dropped right off the fucking map once he was impeached (as he should have awhile back); as soon as he was deposed, no more Google articles, but here's a AP timeline of his decline and fall:
13 January 2003: Blagojevich is sworn in.
30 June 2006: United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald says he has witnesses to "very serious allegations of endemic hiring fraud" in the Blagojevich administration.
7 November 2006: Blagojevich is re-elected, handily beating Republican challenger Judy Baar Topinka.
9 December 2008: Federal agents arrest Blagojevich on corruption charges that include an alleged effort to sell or trade President Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder.
17 December 2008: The Illinois Supreme Court rejects the state attorney general's effort to remove Blagojevich from office. She had argued the governor's legal and political troubles amounted to a disability.
19 December 2008: Blagojevich proclaims his innocence and says he will not resign.
30 December 2008: Blagojevich names former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to replace Obama in the Senate. Senators at first suggest they will block him, but he is later sworn in.
9 January 2009: The Illinois House votes 114-1 to impeach Blagojevich, the first Illinois governor in history to be impeached.
26 January 2009: The Illinois Senate opens Blagojevich impeachment trial. Claiming trial is unfair, Blagojevich goes on media blitz in New York to proclaim his innocence.
29 January 2009: The Illinois Senate votes unanimously to remove Blagojevich from office and bar him from holding office in the future. Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn sworn in as governor.
30 January 2009: Blagojevich who?

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