26 January 2009

Finally, a slap on the Palm

Apple may file a lawsuit against rival smartphone maker Palm for replicating the iPhone's multi-touch interface, the supposedly patented technology introduced by Apple in 2007. Apple is concerned that the multi-touch screen of the Palm Pre can, just like the iPhone, be controlled using a two-fingered pinch.
The patent, applied for by Apple, to cover the technology that multi-touch screens make use of, if granted, would necessitate other phone makers to get the technology licensed from Apple.
While Apple CEO Steve Jobs made it clear the technology was patented, the comments of the chief operating officer, Tim Cook, were apparently directed at Palm. During the course of discussing the financial results of the company, Cook said: "We like competition. As long as they don't rip off our intellectual property and, if they do, we're going to go after anybody that does." Though Cook refused to divulge the name of the company he was hinting at, he said that his "general statement" about competition implies that it is essential to lead every company towards betterment. He also added that Apple was "ready to suit up and go against anyone." Without any further elaboration, Cook said that the company would use all the possible weapons that it has at its disposal.
Rico says Apple is famous for doggedly suing people who fuck with its patents; hopefully this one will be successful. (And, fortunately, his friends from the old days at Claris are out of the company, so Rico can avoid any mixed feelings...)

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