05 January 2009

Always thought they were idiots anyway

NBC has an on-line article by Jere Hester about another rock star off the rails:
Jon Bon Jovi is set to play for Hillary Clinton this month as she strives to pay down millions in presidential campaign debt to clear the way for her confirmation as Obama's secretary of state. It's no ordinary gig: Bon Jovi runs the risk of losing some of his hard-earned blue-collar cred by helping bring the wealthy pol into the black at a time when corporations are begging taxpayers for billions and ordinary folks are pinching pennies.
To his credit, 46-year-old Bon Jovi is no Jon-come-lately to political and social activism. He performed for former Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton when they were awarded the Liberty Medal in 2006, and he's on speaking terms with pols ranging from former Republican New Jersey Governors Christie Whitman and Thomas Kean, to Dems like Obama and former Vice President Al Gore. His outspokenness in the fights against poverty and global warming, and his work with Habitat for Humanity have spurred talk he might one day run for office (he denies any interest), or at least threaten to saddle him with the nickname "Bono" Jovi. He's been friendly with Hillary Clinton since she was first lady (he reportedly calls her "Mrs. C"), and has donated to her campaign coffers.
If nothing else, the performance will be an opportunity for fans to see Bon Jovi up close, if they're willing to shell out anywhere from $75 to $1,500. There's not a bad seat in Manhattan's relatively cozy Town Hall, so the $75 ticket could very well put fans in good company with the folks Bon Jovi's been singing to for more than two decades.
Rico says you couldn't pay him to go see a Bon Jovi concert, with or without the Clinton connection...

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