23 December 2008

Taking things a little seriously

Bloomberg.com has an article by Saijel Kishan, Katherine Burton, and Henry Goldman about the aftermath of the Madoff disaster:
Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet, who ran a fund that invested with Bernard Madoff, was found dead today in his New York office in an apparent suicide, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. “Our investigative premise is that it was a suicide,” Kelly said in an interview. De La Villehuchet, 65, was found “with his feet propped up on his desk, a trash pail nearby to collect blood", and no sign of a second person, Kelly said. The money manager had “multiple stab wounds” to his arms and wrists, a box-cutter and pills were found nearby, and no suicide note was found, Kelly said. De La Villehuchet was co-founder and chief executive officer of Access International Advisors, a New York firm that invested $1.4 billion with Madoff, who was arrested for allegedly running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme.
The death of de la Villehuchet, who founded Access in 1994 with Patrick Littaye, came as lawsuits mounted in connection with investors victimized by Madoff. Fairfield Greenwich Group, a hedge-fund firm that had $7.5 billion invested with Madoff, has been sued by investors for allegedly failing to protect their assets. A New York woman who says she lost most of her savings is seeking $7 million in damages from the Securities and Exchange Commission for Madoff losses.
De La Villehuchet was chairman and CEO of Credit Lyonnais Securities USA, the U.S. investment banking arm of the French bank. Prior to joining Credit Lyonnais in 1987, he ran Interfinance, an international broker firm specializing in the French, Belgian, and Italian stock markets that he founded in 1983.
Access managed $3 billion and had 26 employees according to marketing documents dated September, and it fund invested solely with Madoff. Access said last week that it was working with lawyers to assess the situation. Clients of Madoff had at least $36 billion with his firm, according to a tally that may include some double counting. Before his arrest, Madoff, 70, confessed to employees that his “giant Ponzi scheme” may have cost as much as $50 billion, according to an FBI complaint. His misconduct may have stretched back to at least the 1970s, two people familiar with the government’s inquiry of Madoff said last week. Madoff is now under house arrest at his New York apartment.
Rico says this guy obviously felt dishonored and offed himself; ah, the French...

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