And petulant, too, according to the article in the
Guardian by Steven Morris:
For a few precious hours there was a sense of jubilation and victory on Sark yesterday as, on a bright blue day, the tiny Channel island celebrated its first democratic election after 150 years of feudal rule. But joy turned to despair for many, and uncertainty for all, when the Barclay brothers, owners of the Telegraph and the Ritz hotel, reacted to their disappointment at failing to get their chosen candidates elected by announcing they were ceasing their multimillion-pound operation on the island and laying off 140 workers. Last night two hotels, shops, and at least one restaurant owned by the brothers, who live in a castle on a neighbouring island, were being closed. The brothers' building work on Sark also ceased.
Gordon Dawes, the Barclays' Guernsey lawyer, said: "Sark will go back to what it was before the Barclays came and invested. The people of Sark have sent the Barclays a clear message and they feel they cannot work in a place where there is such a feeling against them. The true sadness of it all is that the real loser will be Sark and, in particular, its workforce. But the Barclay family cannot be expected to continue investing at the rate of £5m per annum. I find it very hard, particularly at this time of year, not to wonder about the old saying to do with turkeys and whether or not they would vote for Christmas; well it seems we have our answer. I am genuinely saddened. The people of Sark have spoken."
Roger Olsen, the senior politician on the island until the new parliament is formed, said last night: "We regret the opportunity not to be able to work through this." Olsen, the first to vote when the poll opened on Wednesday, added: "I think everyone on the island is looking forward to building a better Sark that is good for everybody." One hotel worker, who asked not to be named, said: "It is devastating for us. Everyone thought this election was going to be a bit of fun - and good for the island. But it's turning out to be a nightmare for us."
It was a swift response to a disappointing, perhaps humiliating, day for the brothers. They have led the charge for democracy on the island which has been run by a largely unelected parliament. In the run-up to the election, two factions emerged. One backed the Barclays, who have greatly improved some of Sark's hotels and other properties. The other faction liked things how they were and sided with the feudal "lord", the seigneur, Michael Beaumont, who is losing many of his powers and rights.
What began as a bit of fun became at times a bitter election, its importance underlined in the turnout - almost 90% of the 474 voters - and the number of candidates who stood: one in eight of the electorate. A recount was taking place yesterday because voting for the two candidates vying for the 28th and final spot in the parliament, the chief pleas, was so close. But the provisional results showed that the Barclays' side had fared badly. One member of their team said: "We got our arses kicked."
On the provisional results only two of nine people the Barclays had identified in a newsletter before the election as a "safe pair of hands" got in. Most humiliatingly, their man on Sark, estate manager Kevin Delaney, failed to win a seat. "That's democracy," he said before last night's decision. "There's a very real price that's going to be paid for this."
The newsletter also identified 12 "establishment" candidates it said would "destroy" the future of island. But on the provisional result, nine of those got in. They included people such as Edric Baker, whom the Barclays' bulletin described as a "feudal talibanist" as well as Jan Guy, criticised because of a "socialist streak".
The robust approach to politics did not go down well with many voters. Dawes claimed a "block vote" of about 200 had been "orchestrated" by the Barclays' opponents. One victorious candidate said the Sarkees were just better at politics than the Barclays.
At a press conference yesterday , Sark's judge and returning officer, Lieutenant Colonel Reg Guille, was upbeat. "We have a healthy and thriving democracy," he said. But sounding defiant, he added: "We've welcomed people to live among us and accept our way of life. We are a very independent breed. We live and work by our own hand and long may it continue."
He went on to say the island would not be "bullied", which was taken as another swipe against the Barclays by their people. They maintain that as the returning officer and judge he should not be making remarks of a "political" nature. Last night Guille said he could not speak in detail of the Barclays' announcement but said it was "very disappointing".
Following the result - and before last night's announcement - Olsen and other members of the island's cabinet, met the Barclays' man, Delaney, at a hotel to try to find a way of working together. They clearly failed. But the brothers' lawyer, Dawes, said that there could be a reconciliation, if the islanders adopted a "sensible" approach. "The door is open," he said. But for now the doors of many of the island's businesses are firmly closed.
Oh, Brothers, where art thou:
• The Barclay brothers are 40th in the Sunday Times rich list, with an estimated fortune of £1.7 billion.
• They own the Telegraph newspapers and the Ritz hotel in London.
• Sir David and Sir Frederick live on Sark's neighbouring island, Brecqhou, which they bought in 1993.
• Born to Scottish parents, they grew up in London and left school early to work as painters and decorators.
• The pair first made their money in property in the 1950s and 60s.
• In 1983 they paid £45 million for brewing and shipping group Ellerman, later selling its brewing division for £240 million.
• The Barclays entered the newspaper publishing industry in 1992, when they bought the European.
• The twins bought the Littlewoods catalogue chain in 2002 for £750 million.
• They were knighted in 2000 for their services to charity.
Rico says the Queen should take back their knighthoods after this...
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