05 December 2008

Nice work, unless you're the insurer

UPI has the story out of Paris:
Well-prepared gunmen, who knew just where to look, robbed an exclusive Paris jewelry store of nearly $89 million in merchandise in 57 seconds, police said. The Thursday night heist was described by investigators as one of Europe's biggest thefts of its kind. As many as four masked men, two of them dressed as women, stormed the exclusive Harry Winston jewelers in a high-speed raid detectives called "terrifyingly efficient". While two robbers ordered staff members to fill a sack with precious gems and watches from the window display cases, another marched the manager to the store's hidden safe. Within just 57 seconds, the men had vanished on motorbikes, police said. Investigators said the robbers knew all the names of the store staff and where the most valuable jewels were kept.
Rico says it smacks of an inside job to him, but the stuff will turn up eventually... (Less than a minute? Damn, they're good.)

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