23 December 2008

How stupid can you get? This much

Gizmodo has an article by John Herrman about the legal battle between the morons at Psystar and Apple:
In the latest bizarre turn in a protracted, anything-goes legal battle, Psystar is basically claiming that Apple doesn't own the copyright for OS X. Sound unlikely? It probably is.
According to court papers filed on Psystar's behalf, Apple is prohibited from bringing action against Psystar for the alleged infringement of one or more of the plaintiff's copyrights for failure to register said copyrights with the copyright office as required. Not having registered a copyright for the OS would make it kind of hard to enforce one, and would undermine Apple's entire suit suit.
I'm no lawyer, so I'll leave the copyright discussion to someone who knows better. But you really can't ignore the timing and circumstances of this development. Following a few notable failures in court, Psystar appears to be losing their fight against Apple, at least as long as it's framed as a copyright issue. Changing the terms, it seems, is their only option, and reeks of desperation. Not to mention the fact that it was utterly predictable.
In our last Psystar update, posted before any of this happened, commenter Tim Faulkner said:
What people are ignoring is that Apple's already won. Even if Psystar can argue they have a legal right to hack Mac OS, they can't demonstrate that they have any right to distribute Apple's copyright without Apple's consent unless the antitrust claims (which they've abandoned) had merit. Even if Psystar has a right to circumvent Apple's weak protection (highly questionable), how are they going to prove they have a right to distribute Mac OS? They can't, that's impossible.
To which redwingsmonk added:
I think the only way Psystar could win this is if they claim OSX was open source and they have free rein to modify the code and resell it.
And here we are. It looks like Psystar— who is now apparently taking legal advice from anonymous Gizmodo commenters— knew that challenging Apple's copyright was pretty much their only hope. A faint hope, it's safe to say.
Rico says Psystar must be sleeping with their lawyers; in any case, they're getting screwed by their lawyers if they think they're going to win this one...

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