29 December 2008

Give and get

Rico says it's not only a good cause, it offers great handmade (by Rico's ladyfriend) bags in exchange for your tax-deductible donation: the Angioma Alliance. The minimum donation to get a bag in return is fifty bucks (hey, you spent more than that at Xmas). The shells (except for the wine cask bags and the children's bags) are made from vintage tablecloths.
Go to the Angioma Alliance link at the First Giving website and pay for it via credit card (the Alliance will send you a tax deduction statement), then email me and tell me which bag you want, if you care, using the descriptions shown below. (Otherwise we'll send the one we have the most of.)
You've only got three days left in this tax year, so go there now and do it. (When they're gone, they're gone; getting a bag made after that will really cost you.)

We have 3 of these (white with green ivy):

2 of these (green with yellow roses):

1 of these (the largest of all the bags) (pink with blue and white flowers):

2 of these (white with pink and blue flowers):

2 of these (wine casks):

2 of these (white with yellow flowers):

and 2 of these (the smallest bags, suitable for children or people who like a smaller bag, with ladybug buttons) (yellow with red ladybugs):

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