04 December 2008

Blues, indeed

CNet News has an article by Ina Fried about Microsoft's latest problem:
Attention software buyers: There's nosuch thing as Microsoft Office Blue Edition. That's the latest ruse making the rounds on the online auctions. Allegedly it supposed to be some sort of technician version of Microsoft's software, that happens not to require a serial number or product activation or any of Microsoft's anti-piracy mechanisms. In actuality, Microsoft says, it's just the latest wrapping for a pirated version of the company's software. "That program is entirely fictitious," said Matt Lundy, a senior attorney for Microsoft. "It's nothing more than a scheme by pirates to confuse and deceive consumers."
Microsoft targeted those selling the 'Blue Edition' as well as several other elaborate schemes in a series of 63 lawsuits in 12 countries, including a number of actions filed this week in the United States. In addition to targeting Blue Edition sellers, Microsoft is going after pirates in New Zealand that are selling counterfeit copies of Windows XP that were shipped to buyers in the US directly from China. "It really highlights the global nature of the problem," Lundy said. Windows XP remains the version of Windows most often being pirated, Lundy said, although, in some cases, Vista was also being offered.
Although eBay was among the places where those targeted in some of the suits sold their wares, Microsoft said it isn't blaming the online auction site. "We hold the pirates responsible for privacy," he said. "All online marketplaces are susceptible to abuse."
Piracy is, of course, a huge problem for Microsoft. The lawsuits, while perhaps necessary, don't seem like they will stop such schemes, though. But perhaps they will force pirates to shift tactics, or at least change colors.
Rico says he cares not, being a staunch Macintosh user, but he pities the poor Windows geeks who get burned with this...

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