29 November 2008

Just kidding

Engadget had an article back in August (hey, Rico doesn't always find 'em when they happen) by Joshua Topolsky about the Bloomberg oops with Steve Jobs:
You have to figure major news outlets keep obituaries on hand for all kinds of public figures and celebrities; still, you can't help feeling a bit of a chill upon learning that notice of Steve Jobs' death mistakingly hit the wires. A slip-up at news outlet Bloomberg caused the lengthy obituary to roll across a number of screens before being pulled, but not before a tipster was able to send off a copy to the gossip site Gawker. Under normal circumstances, this would probably come off as a random gaffe with minimal impact, but given recent reactions concerning Jobs' health, this comes off as a rotten-timed moment in journalistic and technical butterfingerism.
Rico says that Jobs, fortunately, turned out to be fine...

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