06 November 2008

Henry the Ninth

Rico says Ray Bradbury was one of his all-time-favorite authors, and he rereads his stuff just for the glorious language. This, from Henry the Ninth in I Sing the Body Electric:
"Traitors! Come back!" You can't leave old England, can't leave Pip and Humbug, Iron Duke and Trafalgar, the Horse Guard in the rain, London burning, buzz bombs and sirens, the new babe held high on the palace balcony, Churchill's funeral cortegé still in the street, man, still in the street! and Cæsar not gone to his Senate, and strange happenings this night at Stonehenge! Leave all this, this, this?
Upon his knees, at the cliff's edge, the last and final king of England, Harry Smith wept alone.
The old man turned to see the countryside and thought, why, this is how it was one hundred thousand years ago. a great silence and a great wilderness and now, quite late, the empty shell towns and King Henry, Old Harry, the Ninth.
He rummaged half blindly about in the grass and found his lost book bag and chocolate bits in a sack and hoisted his Bible, and Shakespeare, and much-thumbed Johnson, and much-tongued Dickens and Dryden and Pope, and stood out on the road that led all round England.
Tomorrow: Christmas. He wished the world well. Its people had gifted themselves already with sun, all over the globe. Sweden lay empty. Norway had flown. None lived any longer in God's cold climes. All basked upon the continental hearths of His best lands in fair winds under mild skies. No more fights just to survive.
Buttoning his coat, carrying his books, Old Harry Ebenezer Scrooge Julius Cæsar Pickwick Pip and half a thousand others marched off along the road in winter weather. The road was long and beautiful. The waves were gunfire on the coast. The wind was bagpipes in the north...
Rico says if you wonder where he got his love of the warm places of the planet, look no further...

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