29 November 2008

Continuing shitstorm in India

The International Herald Tribune has an article by Keith Bradsher and Somini Sengupta about the on-going Mumbai disaster:
Indian commandos staged a dramatic helicopter raid and battled pockets of militants on Friday, as security forces tried to end the bloody assault by terrorists on Mumbai, the financial and entertainment capital of India. The police said the death toll had reached 143 with the discovery of 24 bodies in the luxury Trident-Oberoi Hotel.
Commandos slid down ropes from a hovering army helicopter Friday morning as they stormed a Jewish center that had been seized. The blue-uniformed troopers landed on the roof and soon made their way inside Nariman House, home to the Orthodox Jewish group Chabad-Lubavitch. A gun battle was raging inside the building, with several explosions and heavy firing throughout the day, but there was no word on the fate of hostages assumed to be held there. (Rico says the word is five hostages dead, all Jews.)
Indian Army and paramilitary commandos also made their way through two charred luxury hotels, searching survivors and bodies while continuing to battle gunmen from the teams that had struck the city Wednesday night. In addition to the Jewish center and the hotels, the terrorists, armed with grenades and automatic weapons, hit at least four other sites on the southern tip of Mumbai - the main train station, a hospital, a cinema, and a historic café.
Although there was still no definitive word on the identity or affiliation of the attackers, an Indian official said one of the assailants captured alive was a Pakistani citizen. The assertion by R.R. Patil, the home affairs minister of Maharashtra State, where Mumbai is located, could further increase tension between India and Pakistan, both nuclear-armed states who have fought wars in the past.
Pakistan said Friday that it was prepared to send its intelligence chief, Ahmed Shuja Pasha, to India to share information in the investigation into the attacks.
News agencies cited police reports that 93 foreigners - some of them wearing Air France and Lufthansa uniforms - had been rescued Friday from one of the hotels, the Oberoi. The reports also quoted the Mumbai police chief, Hassan Ghafoor, as saying that 24 bodies had been found and that the security forces had completed their operation there.
At the other hotel, the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, several trucks carrying members of India's elite Rapid Action Force arrived at 1:15 p.m. Friday. The troopers appeared to be starting an assault on the hotel, where an army official said at least one militant was still holding hostages. At least eight grenade explosions were heard, followed by small-arms fire. Lights were seen going on in rooms on the hotel's fifth floor. Outside the hotel, a sniper took up position in a cherrypicker.
The leader of a commando unit that was involved in a gun battle Friday morning inside the Taj said he had seen a dozen dead bodies in one of the rooms.
His team also discovered a gunman's backpack, which contained dried fruit, 400 rounds of AK-47 ammunition, four grenades, Indian and American money, and seven credit cards from some of the world's leading banks. The pack also had a national identity card from the island of Mauritius, off the southeastern coast of Africa.
The attackers were "very, very familiar with the layout of the hotel," said the commander, who disguised his face with a scarf and tinted glasses. He said the militants, who appeared to be younger than 30 years old, were "determined" and "remorseless."
Fears were growing in Mumbai that the death toll would rise. Dozens of people, and perhaps many more, remained trapped in the hotels, though it was uncertain if any were being held hostage. More than 300 people were known to have been wounded.
The police said 14 officers had been killed in the city, along with nine gunmen. Nine suspects had been taken into custody, they said.
Earlier in the day, an army general, N. Thamburaj, was quoted as saying that he expected all anti-terrorist operations in Mumbai to be wrapped up by midafternoon.
There was still much mystery around the group behind the attack, which terrorism specialists said was unusual in its scale, planning and boldness.
In a televised speech Thursday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh blamed forces "based outside this country" in a thinly veiled accusation that Pakistan was involved. A day later, the Indian foreign minister, Pranab Mukherjee, was quoted by the Press Trust of India as saying that, according to preliminary reports, "some elements in Pakistan are responsible."
On Friday, Pakistan seemed anxious to defuse the mounting crisis in relations with its neighbor. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said India and Pakistan should work together to defeat a common enemy and urged New Delhi not to play politics over the attacks in Mumbai, Reuters reported.
"Do not bring politics into this issue. This is a collective issue," the foreign minister said during a visit to Ajmer, India. "We are facing a common enemy, and we should join hands to defeat the enemy."
President Asif Ali Zardari called Singh, Reuters reported, to say he was "appalled and shocked" by the terrorist attacks. "Non-state actors wanted to force upon the governments their own agenda, but they must not be allowed to succeed," he was quoted as saying.
The attacks could threaten recent U.S. efforts to reduce the overall enmity between Pakistan and India, which were meant to enable Pakistan to focus more military resources against the rising threat of the Taliban in its lawless tribal areas.
Singh had issued a warning Thursday that seemed clearly aimed at Pakistan, which India has often accused of allowing terrorist groups to plot anti-Indian attacks. "The group which carried out these attacks, based outside the country, had come with single-minded determination to create havoc in the commercial capital of the country," Singh said. "We will take up strongly with our neighbors that the use of their territory for launching attacks on us will not be tolerated, and that there would be a cost if suitable measures are not taken by them."
The suspicions raised by the attack seemed a blow to relations between India and Pakistan, which had been recovering from a low earlier this year after India accused the Pakistani intelligence agency of abetting the bombing of the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan. India has frequently accused Pakistan-based militant groups of fueling terrorist attacks on Indian soil, though lately it has also acknowledged the presence of homegrown Muslim and Hindu militant organizations.

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