20 October 2008

That'll teach him

Word out of Beijing is that they've sentenced the vice-mayor of the city, Liu Zhihua, to death for taking almost a million and a half in bribes during the Olympics.
Rico says that's some serious Olympic gold. But it looks like he won't actually die, he'll just feel that way:
The death sentence has been suspended for two years pending "good behaviour" and is likely to be commuted to life imprisonment.
The state news agency Xinhua said that the court was told that bribes were pocketed by Liu and his principal mistress, Wang Jianrui. Xinhua said that "he was believed to have kept several mistresses, some of whom he reportedly helped become rich through his illegal activities". Liu had worked hard to build a clean image with colleagues. But it now appears he had at the same time installed mistresses in luxury villas. It is believed that Liu's fate was sealed when he failed to provide the service for which he had been bribed.
Rico says he wonders which of his mistresses got pissed off and turned him in...

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