25 October 2008

Redefining "get it there fast"

The Associated Press has an article by Amir Shah about the latest delivery by DHL:
A security guard working for the international shipping company DHL opened fire Saturday, killing the company's country director and his deputy before turning the gun on himself, officials said. The shooting took place in front of the DHL office in downtown Kabul. One Briton and one South African were killed in the attack, the British Foreign Office and South African government said.
The preliminary investigation found one of the Afghan security guards protecting the DHL compound opened fire on the car carrying the two foreigners when it pulled into the company headquarters, said Mirza Mohammad Yarmal, an Interior Ministry official. The guard then put the Kalishnikov rifle to his own head and killed himself, Yarmal said. Blood was on the vehicle's windshield and pooled on the ground in front of DHL headquarters. Yarmal said the guard had been hired about a month ago from a Pashtun area just north of Kabul. The Taliban draws many of its fighters from the Pashtun ethnic group, but police had no conclusive evidence linking him to the insurgents.
A Taliban spokesman denied involvement in the attack.
Rico says it's one of the dubious privileges of working in places like Afghanistan...

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