28 October 2008

Nor good

Rico says he just finished God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens. While very well written (he's practiced at it), as Ambrose Bierce would have said "The covers of this book are too far apart." Not because he doesn't have good things to say (he does, and Rico agrees with him wholeheartedly), it's just that it's an essay (and Hitchens considers himself an essayist) that got out of hand. (Probably because he owed some publisher a book.) Read it anyway, even if you are (you benighted fool) religious. There's a lot of good stuff in here, including this splendid observation about the eyesight of an osprey:
The osprey can swoop accurately on a fast-moving fish that it has detected underwater from many, many feet above, all the while maneuvering with its extraordinary wings. Ospreys have been almost exterminated by Man, while you yourself can be born as blind as a worm and still become a pious and observant Methodist, for example.

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