06 October 2008

It's getting to be a popular sport

The AP has the story of yet another suicide bomber:
A suicide bomber who hugged a former army general before detonating his explosive-laden vest killed 27 people gathered in a crowded opposition party office in northern Sri Lanka on Monday. The attack by a suspected rebel came as government troops, in the midst of an offensive against the Tamil Tigers de facto state in the north, closed in on the rebels' administrative capital of Kilinochchi, military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said.
The bomber blew himself up as officials from the opposition United National Party gathered to open a new office in the northern town of Anuradhapura. The blast killed retired Maj. Gen. Janaka Perera, his wife and 25 others, including a television journalist covering the event. It wounded at least 80 people, Nanayakkara said. Wearing a hidden explosives vest, the bomber "embraced the former commander" before detonating, the rebel-affiliated TamilNet Web site reported, noting that Perera played a key role in evicting minority Tamils from northeastern villages in 1984 to settle ethnic Sinhalese there.
Rebel officials could not be reached for comment on the attack because communication lines have been cut to guerrilla-dominated areas in the north. The attack underlined analysts' warnings that a conventional victory on the battlefield might drive the guerillas to focus increasingly on suicide bombings and other attacks on civilians.

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