06 October 2008

Hee, hee, the fuck's going down

Thirteen years late, but a jury finally figured him out:
Thirteen years to the day after O.J. Simpson was acquitted in the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, he was found guilty of kidnapping and armed robbery in a Las Vegas courtroom. The verdict could put Simpson behind bars for the rest of his life.
And the contrast between the two trials could not have been more different. "We just listened to tapes with a fresh set of ears", one juror said. Seven out of 12 jurors who convicted O.J. Simpson spoke up Sunday. Simpson's attorneys say questions about those jurors are some of the reasons they'll appeal.
"I don't think he absolutely had a jury of his peers. There were no minorities on the jury - no African Americans on the jury", said Simpson's attorney Yale Galanter.
Rico says no blacks on the jury? You'd think they might've mentioned that earlier... (But then, this isn't the Dream Team, is it?)

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