24 October 2008

Fear and loathing on the campaign trail

Rico says, yes, that's a Hunter S. Thompson book (and a damned good one, too) from the 1972 election.
It's also his reaction to the current hoo-hah over this election.
The sparring between the candidates is bad enough, but it really got going when two Obama canvassers showed up at the house last weekend, because Rico is registered Republican. They wanted to know who I was going to vote for. I told them "one of the two candidates". They wanted to know which one. I told them that this is a democracy, and I didn't have to tell them. They didn't like that, but accepted it and went away.
Today, however, Rico got a robocall on the house phone; would I be willing to answer an automated inquiry about the election? Sure. They wanted to know if I was going to vote. Yes, I said. They wanted to know if I was going to vote for John McCain. I told them "one of the two candidates". They wanted to know if I was going to vote for Barack Obama. I told them "one of the two candidates". The computer didn't like that, and told me, in no uncertain terms, that I could answer yes, no, or repeat the question. There was no "none of the above" or "fuck off, you stupid machine", so Rico just hung up.
Sorry about that, but the only thing I have to tell who I'm voting for is the ballot on 4 November...

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