13 October 2008

Now everybody wants in on the act

The Taiwan News has, via Bloomberg, the story of what will happen:
France, Germany and six other European Union governments say they will deploy additional warships off the coast of Somalia to fight piracy as soon as next month.
Germany will send a frigate, German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung said. France has already dispatched a ship and Spain has sent an observation plane. The goal is to have an EU fleet of three warships, a supply ship, and three naval surveillance planes, Jung said. "We have to take effective action against pirates," Jung told reporters today at an EU meeting in Deauville, France. "We have to first push back the pirates, restore security on the high seas, and make free maritime trade possible again."
Attacks by pirates have surged this year off Somalia, and are running at close to one a day. Commercial shippers have warned they may start routing cargo around Africa, passing the additional fuel and time costs on to clients. They've asked for help from Western navies, noting that joint patrols by Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore have almost eradicated piracy in the Straits of Malacca, the world's previous piracy hotspot.
The EU force, the bloc's first naval crisis-management mission, would go into action after 10 November, when EU defense ministers meet again in Brussels, French Defense Minister Herve Morin said.
Rico says pirates are cool, unless you're boarded by them; see his book on the subject for details:

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