14 October 2008


The New York Times has the story of a nice try:
A federal appeals court and the Ohio Supreme Court have rejected arguments that a death row inmate is too obese to die by lethal injection. A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit joined the Ohio Supreme Court in giving the go-ahead to execute Richard W. Cooey. Mr. Cooey, 41, who is 5 foot 7 and weighs 267 pounds, is scheduled to die Tuesday for killing two University of Akron students in 1986. He would be the first person executed in Ohio since the end of a de facto moratorium on lethal injection that lasted more than a year. Mr. Cooey’s lawyers had argued that prison food and limited opportunities to exercise contributed to Mr. Cooey’s obesity, exacerbating problems for the execution team in finding a viable vein for lethal injection.
Rico says, for once, the lawyers are right; they should shoot him instead. (Hey, it's a lethal injection, right?) Besides, he's had twenty more years than those kids he killed...

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