24 October 2008

Another story going sideways

The Associated Press has the revised story out of Pittsburgh:
Police say a McCain campaign volunteer who reported being held down by a black man who then cut the letter 'B' in her face has changed her story. Police also say bank surveillance footage doesn't show her at an ATM where she initially said she was attacked.
Police spokeswoman Diane Richard says investigators gave the 20-year-old woman a lie-detector test and are "looking at some inconsistencies" in her story.
The student, Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, initially said a black man robbed her at knifepoint near a bank Wednesday night and then cut her cheek after seeing a McCain sticker on her car.
Todd, who is white, now says she was knocked unconscious and doesn't remember being cut in the face. She now says she only discovered the wound later.
No arrests have been made.
Rico says this one's going to get weirder before it's done...
Rico also says my commenter is right, this one's getting wronger by the minute; also check out this Philly-centric analysis.

1 comment:

  1. From the perspective of a Pittsburgh local, this looks like more race-baiting from the GOP:

    Read About It.


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