The rest of Keillor's column is a hymn to the Goodness of the American people, in whom he has newfound pride since they decided to come to their senses. He reserves the right to thunder against those who have not joined the parade, of course; Obama’s opponents are described at the end of the column as cheats, weasels, pigs, and buzzards. Michelle Obama is decribed as an “ebullient woman of quick wit and beautiful spirit.”Rico says he still likes Keillor, but he likes Lileks, too; what's a curmudgeon to do?
It’s the usual Keillor twaddle – a humorless, scattershot ramble of run-on sentences and unsourced assertions, and I didn’t see anything that set it apart from the dozens of sour broadsides that preceded it. He doesn’t like Sarah Palin, although if she was on the Obama ticket he would have found a few nice words before falling silent on the matter, just as the wisdom and august judgment of Biden seems to hover beneath his radar. He is also angry about Republican economics, because, as he stated in a previous column, they deregulated everything and caused the whole mess.
21 October 2008
Another prime ranter
Rico says his friend Bill Champ sent him a link to the new James Lileks column, with a Zelig reference (he knew Rico would like that), but the bulk of the column is devoted to a rant about Garrison Keillor:
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