26 September 2008

Rico had one when he was seventeen

The Los Angeles Times has an article by Elizabeth Snead on Sarah Palin's tardy acquisition of a passport:
In her second "CBS Evening News" interview with Katie Couric, Sarah Palin was asked why she didn't get a passport until 2006. Did it, as some of her viewers wonder, show a lack of curiousity and interest about the world and other cultures? She told the CBS newsperson that she had to work, sometimes two jobs, and that's why she didn't backpack around Europe like privileged kids do. "I'm not one of those who maybe come from a background of, you know, kids who perhaps graduated college and their parents get them a passport and a backpack and say, 'Go off and travel the world.' Noooo. I worked all my life. In fact, I usually had two jobs all my life, until I had kids. ... I was not part of, I guess, that culture."
But let's talk about Palin being able to see Russia from her house. The Alaska governor rolled her eyes when discussing how her comment "I can see Russia from my house," was, as Couric put it, "mocked" by reporters.
Couric asked why Russia's visibility enhances her foreign policy credentials. "Well, it certainly does," Palin replied. "Our next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of."
Rico says she may be the governor of Alaska, but she doesn't know not to end her sentences with a preposition like 'of'. But then he was privileged to have had parents who gave him a passport and a backpack and sent him off to Europe while he was still in high school...

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