04 September 2008

Okay, the war is officially on

Rico got a trolling email from these fucks and fell for it.
Hey, seemed legitimate, and they said they had money due me.
$524, near enough, if you look close.
The problem was, it was plausible, given some recent activity around Rico's badges, and Rico could use it.

So Rico labored through all the 'opening a Moneybookers wallet' routine, and logged on. Now, all of a sudden, there's no money. A multi-day email campaign started, with Rico asking (mostly politely, at least to start) where his $524 had gone. No response, except for the expected automated crap:

So is Rico really out any money? Probably not. Is he irritated with these British wankers taking his time and energy for nothing? Absolutely. Does he wish there was some way to pay them back? You betcha. Did he warn them that their silence would only buy them grief? You know it; fair warning given. So if anybody's got a great scheme to smash them electronically, do email it.

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