30 September 2008

No stupider than anything else of late

The Los Angeles Times has a political blog that, hopefully, is someone's drug-induced fantasy:
It's been one of the most persistent rumors on the internet: an e-mail making the rounds of In-boxes all month, titled Rumor Has It. According to this unsigned e-mail, Biden will step aside as the vice-presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket shortly after Thursday night's vice presidential debate against Palin. Biden will, according to the unverified e-mail cite health concerns. He did suffer two brain aneurysms and was hospitalized about twenty years ago. Since Biden's Delaware Senate seat is safe, he could safely return to that job, holding that seat for the party. And the last-minute vacancy would allow Obama to fill it with a woman to counter the GOP's pioneering gender move.
That replacement choice could be Senator Hillary Clinton, who, true to her primary promises, has been out dutifully campaigning anyway for the man who defeated her.
Or Obama would choose Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, daughter of a former Democratic governor. Either one would throw off the Republican strategies and be a potential game-changer.
Switching running mates in mid-campaign may have opportunities but can also be dangerous; the last time it happened was 1972 when another Democratic senator atop the ticket, George McGovern, replaced another Democratic senator running mate, Tom Eagleton, with Sargent Shriver. The new ticket was annihilated by incumbent Republican Richard Nixon.
A spokesman for the Obama campaign dismisses the persistent e-mail message as "not true; an internet rumor."
But Snopes, the website that debunks urban and internet myths, thinks enough of the rumor to add a page called 'Ticket Exchange'; instead of shooting it down, the site classifies the status of the Democratic ticket change rumor as "undetermined."
Rico says that's the ugliest rumor he's heard in a long time, and he hopes like hell it's not true. If Obama is stupid enough (and Biden self-destructive enough) to do it, it would leave Rico in a serious quandary as to who to vote for come November...

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