25 September 2008

Cops always want it over, no matter what

The New York Times has an article by Trymaine Lee and Christine Hauser and the New York Post has one by John Doyle, Jamie Schram, and Eric Lenkowitz about a hard resolution of an 'incident' in Brooklyn:
A naked and apparently emotionally disturbed man fell to his death from a building ledge in Brooklyn on Wednesday after an officer shot him with a Taser stun gun, the police said. The police and witnesses said he had been yelling at passers-by and swinging a long light bulb tube at officers before he fell.
The man, identified by the police as Inman Morales, 35, was taken to Kings County Hospital Center with serious head trauma after falling about 10 feet to the ground, witnesses said. He was later pronounced dead, officials said.
A video taken by a witness shows Mr. Morales naked on the ledge, waving the filament tube over the heads of officers as onlookers screamed, an eerie soundtrack to what soon followed.
Rico says let's get this straight: the guy's naked, armed only with a fluorescent tube, standing on a fire escape; yup, sure sounds dangerous as hell to him. (And they not only didn't pad the sidewalk before they taser'd him, they didn't even try and break his fall when he went. Public servants, my ass...)

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