26 September 2008

At least your money is doing good

Bill Gates, along with Bono and Gordon Brown, pledged a bunch of money (three billion dollars) at the UN to help fight malaria in Africa. With 1.1 billion from the World Bank and 1.6 billion from the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and an unspecified amount from the British government, looks like the Gates Foundation will only have to come up with something less than 300 million dollars to make their nut.
The article notes that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is to provide $168.7m (£91m) to fund a Malaria Vaccine Initiative for research on a new generation of anti-malaria vaccines. Mr. Gates said: "We need innovation, new drugs, and the most dramatic thing we need is vaccine. If we build on this momentum, we can save million of lives and chart a long-term course for eradication of this disease."
Rico says it's not enough to make him go out and buy a Gates machine, but he's glad the guy's spending his money on important things...

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