01 September 2008

Another myth laid to rest

In Smithsonian magazine, a few years back (as in a 1999 issue; did Rico mention he's a packrat? well, he's trying to upload and offload some of that paper), there was a letter to the editor from Richard Whelan, the author of a biography of Robert Capa, concerning this photo, Robert Capa's most famous, of a Republican militiaman at the moment he was killed:
Despite Capa's repeated statements that he had been on the Córdoba front, questons remained about where Capa took the picture and whether or not he'd posed it.
Recently all questions about the photograph's authenticity were removed. A Spaniard, originally from Alcoy, near the city of Alicante in southeastern Spain, named Mario Brotons Jorda tracked down the identity of the Falling Soldier. At 14, Brotons had joined the local Loyalist militia and had been at the 5 September 1936 battle at Cerro Muriano, on the Córdoba front.
Brotons recognized the distinctive cartridge pouches that the Falling Soldier wore, which had been specially designed by the commander of the Alcoy garrison and made by local leather craftsmen. He then went to the Spanish government archives in Salamanca and found that the only member of the Alcoy militia killed at Cerro Muriano on 5 September was Federico Borell Garcia, a 24-year-old militiaman from Brotons' native Alcoy.
Brotons took Capa's photograph to Alcoy and showed it to Federico's younger brother, Everisto, who had also been at Cerro Muriano on 5 September. Although Everisto had not witnessed his brother's death, he told Brotons that the photograph conformed precisely with the verbal account he had been given at the time. He said the man in Capa's picture was his brother, and examination of other family photographs comfired that Federico is indeed the Falling Soldier.
When asked in 1937 about the authenticity of his famous photograph, Capa replied: "No tricks are necessary to take pictures in Spain. You don't have to pose your camera. The pictures are there, and you just take them. The truth is the best picture, the best propaganda."

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