09 August 2008

Trouble in the orchard

Apple's had turmoil in its App Store, apparently, and Fortune has the story: "The App Store — with 1,574 programs as of Saturday morning, from Abacus to Zxilophone — is a runaway hit, a software candy store that offers iPhone and iPod touch owners a fresh tray of tasty treats nearly every day. So what are we to make of the fact that Apple, without explanation, has started pulling programs from the store, leaving both the people that wrote them and the customers who bought them scratching their heads and wondering who’s in charge? At least five apps have disappeared so far, but three dominated the tech news this week."

The article goes on to delineate the pulled apps: BoxOffice, I Am Rich (no loss there, apparently; from the description, you had to be both really rich, since it cost a grand, and really stupid to buy it), NullRiver, and several more.

Rico says he can't even get iPhone 2.0 to run on his, so why worry about all this crap?

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