31 August 2008

Rico feels compelled to respond

It has come to Rico's attention that some of his readers have been overheard complaining about his constant imprecations that they should buy some of his stuff.
In the old days, complainers among the crew would have been flogged.
However, since Rico can't actually have you flogged, you'll just have to put up with a short dissertation on why he continually whinges about pelf. (And when was the last time you heard either of those words, much less both in the same sentence?)

Let us remember, however, that about eighteen months ago Rico was quietly employed as a contractor at BristolMyersSquibb in Princeton, New Jersey. One evening, as he was amusing himself at the computer, a little biological landmine went off in his head. This led to some seven weeks in Jefferson hospital, followed by some seven weeks of in-patient rehab at Bryn Mawr Rehab hospital, followed by some eight weeks of out-patient rehab at Bryn Mawr, followed by a year or so of general getting-his-shit-back-together, during which his income has, needless to say, dropped considerably.

So when Rico implores you to spend some of your hard-earned cash on his various items, it's because there's some things in life (like taking his devoted ladyfriend on a richly-deserved vacation to some place with warm water) that he can't afford otherwise.

Anyone wishing to be flogged further can email me and I will be happy to oblige them.
Anyone wishing to be supportive is encouraged to choose from any of the multiple funding options in my sidebar.

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