21 August 2008

People just get fired up

Rico got an email from a gentleman named Tascarella (the Third, no less) who, according to Google, is a lawyer. He needed to vent, apparently, about writers (not Rico, for once) about the Old West:
I find it amazing how many stupid people are out there writing their opinions of what they believe (or think) happened in the Old West. It is blatantly obvious that they read an article in some magazine, either written by a "pro" or "anti" writer, about, for instance, the Shoot-out at the O.K. Corral. It is apparent that these morons never took the time to research the facts, available in old newspaper clippings from the time such as the Tombstone Epitaph and the Tombstone Nugget. As far as how they describe the weapons of the time, it is quite laughable; they know as much about the Colt single action revolver as I know about brain surgery. If one wanted to know who carried what weapons, it is easy to find out. One good source is the Gene Autry Museum, which has one of Wild Bill Hickok's 1851 Colt Navys, as well as the 1873 Colt .45 Peacemaker that Doc Holliday carried throughout his career, and it wasn't nickel-plated with a short barrel; the Colt was a standard weapon with a seven-and-a-half-inch barrel. I have to stop now, because if I think anymore of the morons writing in I get stressed out.
Rico thanks Mr. Tascarella for his note, and hopes more writers on the Old West will heed his words.

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